Terrance Hanlon

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Terrance Hanlon
12654631 10209207565692864 6260606021485753748 n.jpg
Threat LevelTier 4 - Red
Known Events Frequented
  • Anime Boston (temporarily banned starting 2019)
  • Arisia (Soft Ban)
  • PopCult Anime Con (Banned)
  • AAC
  • Katsucon
  • Yeticon
  • DragonCon
  • NYCC
  • Star Trek Las Vegas
  • Magfest
  • PortConMaine
Approximate LocationLondonderry, NH
  • Vral the Headhunter
  • Goldust
  • Nicordis
  • Ted


Mr. Hanlon has been known to Aegis initiative since 2018.

Our knowledge of him began when he tried to defend the “honor” of one of his friends that had been called out on the now-defunct “Con Creeper Tip Line” Facebook Group.

Very soon after, one of the CCTL admins made a post about a fascist street gang in California known as “R.A.M” or “Rise Above Movement”, as a warning to the group, since in recent years it is known that such groups like to recruit from conventions, namely ones for video games. Mr. Hanlon decided he needed to defend the “honor” of this group as well.

He did this by whining a lot, and calling the admins cucks.

He was promptly banned. (Image)

Soon afterwards, the FBI would arrest several members of “R.A.M”, making his defense of their actions rather foolish, and many accusations of wide-ranging misconduct on Mr. Hanlon’s part would come to light, which were then publicly documented by the admins of “Con Creeper Tip Line”.

Mr. Hanlon then orchestrated a campaign of online harassment and brigading of the individual admins of this group and “Con Creeper Tip Line” itself, which would eventually lead to the deletion of “Con Creeper Tip Line” off of Facebook by the company’s content moderation team.

This record stands as a living testament to everything in the past 2 years that Project Sauron has collected on this individual: Everything they are alleged to have done, and confirmed to have done.

Recommended Handling Methods

Pre-Emptive ban, do not allow attendance, do not use as volunteer, treat all communication between your event, this KPT and any associated persons as malicious or spam, verify all complaints made by KPT using outside sources before acting on them, film all encounters with staff, venue security, and local PD to ensure evidence exists, make sure detail cops assigned to event understand the threat and are in communication with superiors to mitigate SWATting potential.

Improperly dealing with this KPT, their associates and their usual tactics, WILL result in your staff being harassed and your event’s social media presences being subject to Online Brigading.

This person and any close associates are to be considered “Burned” as trustworthy sources of information and at all times working in concert with the KPT to enable their normal behavior.


Mass-reported the Facebook Group known as “Con Creeper Tip Line” to the point where it was removed by the company’s “content moderation” team, leading to the creation of Project Sauron and the eventual launching of this website.

Repeated attempts at stalking and cyberbullying known volunteers for Project Sauron, while claiming to be “the real victim”, often getting his known associates involved, routinely claiming that they had committed some vague crime and would be arrested soon.

Repeatedly and relentlessly posted extremely incoherent blocks of text on Facebook where he attempts to simultaneously gaslight, defame, and intimidate anyone he perceives to have done him wrong, while also attempting to gain sympathy and support from his known associates

Has repeatedly mis-gendered multiple trans persons to an extent that goes far beyond a simple error and is malicious

Has repeatedly, and childishly, threatened anyone who brings up his misdeeds with visits from law enforcement, legal action, and implied violence that never seems to actually happen, seen (here),(here), and(here)

Has greatly exaggerated his involvement and experiences within the US military, however, it is unclear whether or not this habit of his is merely distasteful, dishonest bragging or actually meets the minimum standards of violation of “stolen valor” laws. This behavior mostly occurs online and the most egregious examples are found on an older forum site which he (if it is indeed him) ceased posting on years ago.

(Note: Records show that Mr. Hanlon participated in Air Force JROTC in High School, and then while attending St. Bonaventure University in New Hampshire, Mr. Hanlon participated in some sort of ROTC program, though to what extent and whether or not his time in this program awarded him an official DD-214, which is completely possible, at the end of his participation in this program, remains unclear.)

In the depths of the .zip file of screenshots we have provided below, Mr. Hanlon, if this is indeed him, claims to have attended Officer Candidate School or OCS, which would normally require having a college degree, and having signed a contract with the military branch of his choosing. No evidence of Mr. Hanlon actually having done this currently exists.

Zip file of suspected Hanlon posts on a tabletop gaming forum

Has greatly exaggerated his involvement and experiences within Law Enforcement Agencies. His LinkedIn profile shows that he has been, in the recent past, a licensed “Boston Special Police Officer” under employment with a security contractor known as “G4S” in the past, it is believed that Terrance Hanlon is currently unemployed, like most people in America in July of 2020.

The “Boston Special Police Officer” program grants licensees extremely limited arrest power, the ability to carry a firearm of a specific caliber, pepper spray, and a baton while on the premises of their place of employment with extremely restricted “Rules of Engagement”, which, fun fact, are still largely based on rules governing the behavior of nightwatchmen written in the late 1600’s by the governing authority of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Licensed Boston SPO’s have all the responsibilities of a full time police officer, but they do not have the same scope of authority, which makes his claims dubious.

As of Mid-2021, "Rule 500" which is the municipal code in Boston that allows for the Boston "Special Police Officer" corps has been taken off the books and the "Special Police Officers" disbanded.

A similar program exists on the state level with the intention of giving private facilities like Universities, Hospitals, and critical infrastructure arguably more comprehensive and capable security forces, however it is the opinion of Project Sauron/Aegis Initiative that due to the extremely rigorous paramilitary nature of the training that Mr. Hanlon will not be attempting to become a State Special Police Officer.

In other words: If he still says he's a cop he is definitely lying to you unless he has proof.

Has repeatedly created poor facsimiles of Facebook accounts, pretending to be people he doesn’t like, in attempts to either get the person in trouble or rile them up. Examples of this behavior have been documented, though the full extent to which he has engaged in this activity, is unknown. He has also been alleged to have completely fabricated Social Media profiles for persons who do not exist, and then claimed that any accusations of the person being fake and any ridicule or criticism the account receives is tantamount to criminal harassment.

Involvement with extremist political groups

In 2018, Terrance Hanlon was seen during a livestream attending the “Free Speech Rally” On Boston Common hosted by the Boston Free Speech Coalition, giving an impromptu speech into a megaphone while on stage, berating Black Lives Matter counter-protestors, and allegedly getting very friendly with members of the SPLC-designated hate-group known as “American Guard”.

Despite this evidence, Mr. Hanlon denies any and all involvement with any extremist political groups, and vehemently claims to be various things that to most people would be more innocuous.

Indeed, aside from this video footage, we have scant evidence to suggest that Mr. Hanlon is in any way an official member of any extremist political group.

That being said, his friendships, the words that come out of his mouth, and the words that he types on social media all seem to suggest that he most certainly agrees with the general beliefs and talking points of most extremist political groups and luminaries that pitch a certain worldview.

When confronted on his beliefs, Mr. Hanlon seems to throw up a dizzying flurry of defensive speech, showing off how “diverse” his circle of friends are, and claiming to be offended because he vaguely claims Jewish ancestry through some family members. These claims have not been investigated by Project Sauron as they are ultimately irrelevant.

The brand of extremist politics Project Sauron believes Mr. Hanlon ascribes to has a well-documented history of willing to work with anyone, regardless of who they are, simply to achieve their goals, and then do away with them like last week’s trash when they get what they want.

Due to Mr. Hanlon’s actions at this event, his claims of military training and claimed ties to Law Enforcement, Project Sauron is led to believe that given the chance, Mr. Hanlon is more than capable of doing anything, regardless of how heinous the act may or may not be, to ensure that any criticism of his behavior is silenced.

tl;dr If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…it’s effectively a duck

Video of Hanlon at the rally, compliments of News2Share/Ford Fisher on Facebook

Excerpts from an argument Hanlon had after the rally, part 1

Excerpts from an argument Hanlon had after the rally, part 2

Excerpts from an argument Hanlon had after the rally, part 3

Excerpts from an argument Hanlon had after the rally, part 4

Anime Boston 2019

Full Disclosure Notice: Terrance Hanlon was never, at any time, detained by any law enforcement entity after being escorted out of the Hynes Convention Center by MCCA staff on the Saturday morning of Anime Boston 2019. This was a rumor that was spread by the Facebook user “Logan Winchester”, who also allegedly threatened to physically assault Terrance Hanlon. “Logan Winchester” has IN NO WAY, past or present, been affiliated with Anime Boston, Project Sauron, the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority, any Law Enforcement Entity, any of the hotels where Anime Boston hosts events, or ANY organization that would be in a position to know what happened to Mr. Hanlon. Project Sauron and its volunteer agents had no hand in spreading this rumor, and it is unfortunate that “Logan Winchester” thought it necessary to misinform his social media network and the wider public.

Correction 08/05/2020: The Anime Boston staffer who filed police reports against Hanlon for harassment was NEVER romantically involved with him, that was a mistake on Project Sauron’s part, where we misinterpreted and confused two different accounts from two different victims. This staffer came into conflict with Hanlon due to a prolonged argument over social media which was caused by Hanlon’s constant misgendering of a mutual friend and escalated to requiring police involvement due to Mr. Hanlon’s usual treatment of those who refuse to see the world through his delusional lens. We apologize for any confusion and harm this may have caused.

Mr. Hanlon, on the morning of April 20th, 2019, walked in to Anime Boston Security’s office within the Hynes Convention Center. He did this to file a complaint against a known Project Sauron volunteer. Mr. Hanlon had also complained about the volunteer on Anime Boston’s forum, and quite frequently on Facebook. The reason: “harassment”.

As you can probably guess if you’ve read this far down, what Mr. Hanlon considers harassment and what actually IS harassment are two completely different things, Anime Boston Security were well-aware of this fact and had no intention of taking the complaint seriously, at least from what can be gleaned from secondhand sources.

What Mr. Hanlon may not have been aware of at the time, however, is that an Anime Boston staffer from a different department, who he had previously been friends with and had a nasty falling out with on social media, had recently filed two police reports against him for harassment. They spoke about the fact that this had happened in a Facebook post.

Anime Boston has a rule in place that states that if someone on staff has a restraining order, harassment order, or has filed multiple police reports against someone for harassment, then the person in question is banned from the convention until such time that either the staffer no longer works for the con, or the legal issues have been resolved. Mr. Hanlon, by entering the convention center, was in violation of this rule.

He was promptly informed of the Anime Boston policy regarding documented harassment, informed that he was not welcome within the Convention Center, had a panel he was hosting cancelled, and was escorted off the premises by Venue Security (MCCA staff). We have secondhand accounts of this incident, but cannot publish them without exposing the persons who informed Project Sauron of its occurrence.

Contacting the MCCA security department at the Hynes or e-mailing Anime Boston’s PR team and asking nicely may provide you with confirmation of this incident, and, as always, if you yourself have media that proves what happened that you consent to have published, you can send it to us via the methods outlined in the “Contact Us” section of the website.

Rumors of Mr. Hanlon attempting to get back into the Hynes Convention Center to attend panels led to multiple “wild goose chases” by security over the 24 hours after he had been banned. None of the rumors have been confirmed.

However, on Sunday he allegedly attempted to enter the convention center via the Prudential Entrance and after being identified by door staff, ran away. Soon after, this photowas taken.

The aftermath was predictable: he claimed that nothing happened, that everything went the way he intended it to, while also simultaneously claiming to be nowhere near the convention at the time. He also tries to use lawyer-speak to sound intimidating and claimed that Project Sauron enables “criminal activity”:

Terry’s side of the story, Part 1

Terry’s side of the story, Part 2

Terry’s comment in a post about him supposedly getting arrested

A later post, mainly focused on gloating

Later Post, part 2

Later Post, part 3, wherein Terrance becomes an “anarchy understander” and admits to reporting the Project Sauron Discord for TOS violations that don’t exist

The “Sex Toys” incident

Terrance Hanlon has stalked, harassed, and severely mistreated multiple romantic partners. This is partially why he was temporarily banned from Anime Boston in 2019.

One of these persons has testified to us in private messages that Mr. Hanlon once expressed a desire to “cut her open and stuff her full of sex toys” so he could “control her forever”. This led to her being chased by Mr. Hanlon in public after she expressed a desire to no longer continue their relationship.

Evidence of the above claim is linked below, Credit goes to “Amy Lee” on Facebook, who gave us permission to reveal her involvement

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

The incident in High School, and Mr. Hanlon’s incessant need to post on social media

Terrance Hanlon’s affinity for an obnoxious and poorly disguised flavor of toxic extremist politics is not new or well-hidden. Thanks to testimony communicated to us via private correspondence, we have become aware of a conflict that Mr. Hanlon had with one of his History teachers while in High School. He was rather fond of “debating” his more liberal teacher in a manner that the other party never consented to, to the point where this teacher started locking him out of the class when they could no longer tolerate Mr. Hanlon’s incessant need to be the center of attention.

The following screenshots are once again provided by Facebook user “Amy Lee”, who asked to be credited for their work


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

OP pouring salt in the wound, it seems

As shown in a previous section, we see in 2013 and 2014 someone we believe to be Mr. Hanlon on a WarHammer 40k forum engaging in very much the same tedious and ultimately time-wasting toxic discourse

Fast-forward to 2017, and we have a large collection of screenshots of Mr. Hanlon making extremely tl;dr (too long; didn’t read) political arguments to large groups of people, that none of them asked for, seemingly for no other reason than to masturbate over the sight of his own words on an electronic screen.

A zip file of screenshots of Mr. Hanlon arguing about feminism, Trump, and news sources, May 7 2017

A zip file of screenshots of Mr. Hanlon arguing over the casting decisions of a famous British children’s show, and “challenging” people to debates, July 19, 2017

A zip file of screenshots of Mr. Hanlon pretending to be offended about being called “cisgender”, making lots of fuss about people being called “nazis”, and attempting to justify repeatedly mis-gendering someone. August 14th, 2017.

(NOTE: some images redacted inside the above-archived screenshots are screenshots themselves, and are redacted to save the sanity of the webpage author, the referenced conversation is archived in the “May 7, 2017” zip file)

Project Sauron believes it is necessary to inform the public of this to point out that Mr. Hanlon is either probably lying about his professed beliefs, political or otherwise, or has been extremely mis-informed and confused about what exactly he believes for a very, very long time.

Regardless, it proves that Mr. Hanlon’s behavior online and offline is NOT a new phenomenon, and has NEVER been appreciated by the public at large.

New England Convention Group

Mr. Hanlon co-admins the Facebook Group known as “New England Convention Group” or NECG alongside a long-time friend. This group has over 2,000 unique members.

Several years ago, another group known as “NECC” was organizing an event that NECG was going to attend, and they promoted this fact by copying all the info from NECC’s event post on Facebook verbatim, refusing to differentiate “NECC” from NECG, and even impersonated “NECC” Events staff, incorrectly answering attendee questions and causing confusion.

When confronted by executive NECC Staff, he bragged about his time in the ROTC and threatened to “fuck them up”.

As a result, Mr. Hanlon and NECG as an organization were banned from any and all future NECC Events.

“NECC” staff created a public Google Drive file which contained screenshots chronicling the entire conflict, including an incident in 2018 where Hanlon begins to think that three people are actually one person. You can download an archive of it here

Other examples of Mr. Hanlon using this facebook group to punish his victims exist, but must remain unpublished at this time, due to ongoing legal issues

Incident involving a podcast host & SWAT threat, late 2019

On December 15th, 2019, the host of the podcast “SuperFanCom”, Rick Terrasi, made a post within the Facebook Group “Connecticon 21+”, asking if anyone would like to volunteer to be a recurring co-host for his show.

Due to Mr. Terrasi openly celebrating Mr. Hanlon’s ban from Anime Boston and mistakenly helping spread the rumor that Mr. Hanlon had been detained by Law Enforcement after being banned, Mr. Hanlon decided to start a fight with Mr. Terrasi. He accused Mr. Terrasi of collaborating with known Project Sauron volunteers and others that Mr. Hanlon believes are part of a vast conspiracy of “criminals” who only exist to “bring him down”.

This led to a rather lively flame war, documented below:

zip file containing all screenshots

In the midst of this flamewar, however, someone who was rather fed-up with his antics asked Mr. Hanlon why he didn’t just engage in physical confrontation with his enemies, which led Mr. Hanlon to write an extremely long and tedious-to-read post in reply that ended in a vague yet also rather specific threat towards one of his perceived rivals.

Specifically, Terrance Hanlon threatens to make “Anime Boston 2016 2.0” happen.

For clarification: one of the persons involved in this flamewar was a long-time Anime Boston security staffer, who, during the 2016 AB event, was accused of threatening a person known to Project Sauron with a firearm. The person who created this situation, claiming to be the victim, is a Known Person/Threat who will remain nameless for now.

Therefore, this accusation led to the dispatch of a SWAT team and associated support services to the Sheraton Hotel in Boston, in anticipation of an Active Shooter incident

Of course, this Anime Boston staffer never had a firearm on their person and was not legally capable of possessing or owning one at the time, so no charges were filed against the staffer, and the perpetrator was only saved from being charged with filing a false police report by infuriated BPD detectives who, allegedly, badgered him until he re-canted his claim of being threatened with a firearm that didn’t exist.

In other words, this Anime Boston staffer was the victim of “SWATting”.

In essence, Terrance Hanlon, in a very vague and clunky way, is threatening to lie to Law Enforcement in the hopes that they will kill someone he doesn’t like, if they were to “confront” him.

Project Sauron does not take such threats lightly, and we encouraged this staffer to contact the head of Anime Boston security and give them these screenshots in the hopes that Mr. Hanlon’s temporary ban from the convention would become a more permanent one.

Due to how vague the threat is, Project Sauron does not believe that notifying Law Enforcement directly would result in a satisfactory conclusion, as in our experience, Law Enforcement will only react to a threat uttered via electronic means when they believe the person making it has illustrated sufficient intent and means to carry it out. In Layman’s terms: They won’t do anything unless the person making the threat names a specific day, location, specific method, shown that they have the items necessary to do it, or some combination therein.

The post, Part 1

The post, Part 2

The Threat

BPD incident report from the night of 03/26/2016

(NOTE: A full dossier on this other KPT is forthcoming, and will be linked to this page when it becomes available)

Incoherent social media posts and unchecked narcissism

Terrance Hanlon’s main method of defending himself online (or sometimes just making his disagreement with the topic known) is to constantly insert himself into other people’s conversations on social media and try to hijack the conversation.

If that doesn’t work, he will type up long, rambling, nearly unreadable blocks of text that only his known associates seem to be able to clearly read

This behavior tends to go on for hours at a time, sometimes days, until he gets so frustrated that he will usually block the target after issuing a vague threat.

The overall goal of this behavior is to attempt to dominate the conversation he has inserted himself into, and sometimes to inspire his friends to join in on his “fight”.

He has also been witnessed making long posts about how the person he takes offense to is the one guilty of whatever he is accused of, or will make vague allusions to incoming punishment from authority figures that never comes. For example, if you were to start criticizing Mr. Hanlon for his excessive ranting, he would start accusing you of the same in return. This can be summed up as the “No U school of arguing on the internet”.

If he has not berated his target into silence through this behavior, or caused the target to simply dig in and shitpost harder, then he will personalize the sleight and begin to view the target as a bitter rival to be “conquered”.

Mr. Hanlon will then proceed to find whatever information he can on the target through very basic OSINT (open source intelligence) collection processes, like simply typing the target’s name in quotes into the Google search-bar, then exploiting that information in whatever ways he can.

Rather interestingly, Mr. Hanlon will also latch on to phrases, memes, and other quirks of dialogue that his opponents use on him, parroting them back at the opponent, regardless of whether he fully understands the full context of what the opponent is saying and the context in which they’re being used. For example: Because one of his critics started using the “popcorn.gif” meme in facebook comments, Mr. Hanlon began to overuse the same animated gif during arguments he got into on Facebook. In another instance, because someone started replying to every 5000-character essay he wrote on Facebook with “weird flex, but okay”, he started overusing the phrase in turn.

If none of the above works on the target, Mr. Hanlon will distort any facts he finds to suit his worldview: For example, someone who was the victim of “S.W.A.T.ting” suddenly becomes a “dangerous criminal” who deserved the unwarranted attention they received from the cops, despite the very clear lack of court judgements or a criminal record; Someone who had a middling, unproductive, and short-lived military career that still ended honorably suddenly becomes a “dishonorable deserter”, despite that person suffering none of the very serious penalties that going AWOL and being dishonorably discharged from the military would entail. If it makes him think he’s the good guy, he’ll lie about it to suit his needs, loudly, and repeatedly.

Interestingly, this behavior is very similar to how Scientologists are trained to counteract any criticism of their faith, to taunt critics over “crimes”, real or imagined, though usually imagined. It should be noted, however, that no relationship between the Church of Scientology and Terrance Hanlon has ever been discovered, just that he responds to criticism like one.

Project Sauron does not recommend encouraging this behavior, because while it may be amusing to watch, it can also be extremely dangerous, given how much personally identifiable information about the average person is publicly available on the open internet, and how dedicated his known associates are to supporting and enabling his behavior. A single person can be easily overwhelmed by the sheer flood of negative attention that Mr. Hanlon and his friends can bring to a flame-war on Facebook.

Here is a zip file full of screenshots documenting this behavior

Full Disclosure Notice: in some of these screenshots, Mr. Hanlon accuses a Project Sauron volunteer of being involved with the entity known as “Kekistan”. While the accusation is untrue, the photo of the volunteer wearing a jacket with a “4chan flag” he uses to illustrate his claim is accurate, the flag does pre-date “Kekistan” as a concept, and the photo he used was taken around 2015, however it is still inappropriate. The volunteer now regrets the decision to put the flag on their clothing and has since corrected the mistake, showing off the correction on social media multiple times.

Family Financial Resources

Based on publicly-disclosed family history, Project Sauron has determined that Mr. Hanlon has wealthy parents that have (at least) partially sponsored some of his attendance at conventions throughout the country.

While we do not know the full extent they enable his ability to attend conventions, Project Sauron does suspect that some of his friends only remain within his social circle to take advantage of this, as it has sometimes led to acquiring rather large, and expensive hotel rooms during certain events.


Terrance Hanlon is an extremely socially toxic, very likely mentally ill individual that commands a small cult of personality and a rather large private Facebook Group.

He will do whatever he believes is necessary to bully, harass, and intimidate his critics and victims into silence.

His political and social attitudes, minimal military training, alleged ties to law enforcement, combined with his documented toxicity towards romantic partners and former acquaintances, leads us to believe that he is capable of, at the very least, making local security and law enforcement assets do a large amount of very unnecessary work.

At worst, he has the capability to use them to do great harm

Known Associates

NOTE: This list is in no way complete. We are intentionally omitting the names of friends of Mr. Hanlon’s who we believe are only guilty of association with him and enabling his behavior. Should we receive new information that proves otherwise, we will add to this list immediately. If you don’t want Terrance Hanlon to know something, then simply do not tell his friends.

Mr. Hanlon has a small circle of friends that enable and defend his behavior, information on notable individuals can be found below.

Photo of Forrest Ward, Minh Nguyen, and Terrance Hanlon, among others, at a restaurant

Minh Nguyen

Minh is a professional photographer and minor content creator, he was recently, credibly, accused of sexual assault and grooming minors.

Forrest Ward

Forrest aka “Rimidalv Kuro” was credibly accused of stalking and propositioning a minor for sex and nude photos at PopCult Anime Con in 2019.